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Med App supporting clinical engagement through the Pandemic

Med App supporting clinical engagement through the Pandemic

We’re proud at Med App of the support we’ve provided to countless clinicians during the COVID-19 pandemic response. Rapid orientation and the communication of continually changing clinical and ...
Med App #Randoms

Med App #Randoms

Every now and again we have a trawl through our MedApps slack channels to grab a few interesting articles, pictures and links that we are sharing. It’s a quick peak at some of the things we are ...
Med App supporting the vaccination effort!

Med App supporting the vaccination effort!

It was great to visit the Centennial Park Vaccination hub in preparation for the opening today! As a digital healthcare business, we’re proud to step up and do our part for front line ...
Med App #Randoms

Med App #Randoms

Every now and again we have a trawl through our MedApps slack channels to grab a few interesting articles, pictures and links that we are sharing. It’s a quick peak at some of the things we are ...
SaaS v. DIY tech systems in healthcare: What’s the real cost to build hospital tech solutions?

SaaS v. DIY tech systems in healthcare: What’s the real cost to build hospital tech solutions?

In this article, we discuss the real cost to build hospital tech solutions viewed in the context of software as a service (SaaS*) in healthcare delivery versus a DIY solution to solve critical ...
A contemporary challenge: Leading culture change in medicine for clinician wellbeing

A contemporary challenge: Leading culture change in medicine for clinician wellbeing

In this third article in our series on clinician wellbeing, Dr Caitlin Weston discusses the need for a culture change in medicine and the practical steps organisations can take to support a ...
How to gain leadership support for clinician wellbeing [What you need to know]

How to gain leadership support for clinician wellbeing [What you need to know]

In this second blog in our Clinician Wellbeing series, Dr Caitlin Weston discusses the critical role of leadership support for clinician wellbeing through development and implementation of ...
How the focus on clinician wellbeing is changing patient care and the healthcare system

How the focus on clinician wellbeing is changing patient care and the healthcare system

This is the first article in our Clinician Wellbeing series written by Dr Caitlin Weston who works as a consultant to Med Apps providing direction and content for the Wellbeing section of Med ...