With ~3,500 Medical Interns starting their professional careers over the past two weeks, there are equal parts nerves,...
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Turning Tides, Navigating the Opportunities!
At the request of some close and trusted customers, the Med App team attended the 2023 ANZAHPE Conference: ‘Turning...
‘Their final swim’ and takeaways from LuminaX
Quick update from the LuminaX Healthcare Accelerator being run in Queensland on the Sunny Gold Coast. This...
A Med Apps Road Trip
From Melbourne to Brisbane and back Remote work challenges Before I begin, I would be remiss if I didn’t commend Med...
ROVER Case Study – Using Med App to integrate Doctors into their new rotation with ROVERs
The Challenge Getting rotating junior doctors to integrate into their new terms and become effective team members....
Sprint 24: Protocols & Engagement
We are always evolving and improving Med App to deliver benefits for our hospitals and the patients they care for. We...