Be active in the community!

April 5, 2023

Tom Collins

Tom Collins is a Director at MedApps as well as a healthcare nerd and marathon candidate

Last week Duncan Paradice and Tom Collins from the Medapps team took part in the very first Stone and Chalk Resident Showcase.

The event gave Sydney Startup and Scale-up Hub residents the chance to showcase their products and services to other members of the community.

Over the course of an afternoon we got to meet and mingle with some of the other businesses, learn more about their products and approach. We were also fortunate to pitch to the Sanitarium executive. 

We’ve been trying to get more active in the local community despite there not being a huge amount of HealthTech business in the building.

Today we got to share the news about our selection in the LuminaX healthcare accelerator. In all honesty, if it wasn’t for Linh one of the fantastic community managers keeping us up to date with events happening at Stone and Chalk we would have never have 1) known that the LuminaX team where doing a national roadshow and 2) applied.

Great work Linh Le and the S&C team for putting on a fantastic event and keeping everyone connected. 

Since posting this, we’ve had another three conversations with community members about potential opportunities and collaborations.

Be actively involved in your community – you’ll be surprised about what might happen as a result!

1 Comment

  1. Adriane McDermott

    Congrats on the LuminaX accelerator! That is awesome news. Well done.

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